Jenifer van Tol
I first performed with the Oak Ridge Symphony from 1963 - 1965 when I graduated from ORHS. I attended Indiana University Music Department and graduated in 1969. I lived in Germany from 1968 - 1981, studying and completing degrees at Hamburg Conservatory and University of Hamburg, teaching in a Gymnasium in Hamburg, teaching private lessons, directing a youth orchestra and performing with a Baroque Chamber Group. I returned to Oak Ridge in 1981 and played with the Oak Ridge Symphony from 1981 - 2002, serving as concertmaster from 1983 - 1985. I was a member of the Knoxville Symphony from 1981 until 1987 when I joined Oak Ridge Schools as the director of the Orchestra Program, which I continued until retiring in 2014. During this time the High School Orchestra grew from 15 to 200 members and performed in Washington DC, Lincoln Center in New York City, Chicago, New Orleans and Disney World. I continue to teach both violin and viola privately and perform with a piano and trio and quartet regularly.